Personal InformationName: Johnny Jansson
Country: Finland
Age: 17
Time Zone: gmt +2
Current Ocupation: School
PlaytimesMonday: 17:00-> 03:00 This is during summer
Tuesday:17:00-> 03:00 This is during summer
Wednesday:17:00-> 03:00 This is during summer
Thursday:17:00-> 03:00 This is during summer
Saturday:17:00-> 03:00 This is during summer
Sunday:17:00-> 03:00 This is during summer
Give us a rough estimation of how many hours a week do you play WoW (be realistic here, please): To much, 70 hours ^^
When during the week you
can't play WoW?: No day
Character InformationCharacter Name: Wicki
Character Class: Warlock
Character Level: 70
Character trade skill professions and their levels: Only engii 306
Access to rare patterns, formulas and so on: Nope, not yet.
Armory link (If it's down, contact an officer ingame): Spell hit ; 101 Spell damage unbuffed ; 944 Crit ;18,21%
Are you willing to change speccs if the guild wants you to?: Of course i will.
Total /played time with your current character: 76 days
Total /played time (roughly) with all your characters: about 90 days, just dinged my other 70 paladin whit estimated 10 days of played.
/played time at level 70 with your current character: 24 days
Have you ever rerolled before?: Yup, my paladin and this warlock
Have you ever sold a WoW account?: Not really
Do you enjoy your current class?: Yes i do, that's why i raid whit it.
Would you leave a guild if your mates/friends were declined in an application because you "want to play with them"?: No, couse of my irl friends guilds always disband after 2 days >.<
TheorycraftingWhich forums/resources do you usually read to learn about wow and your class?:
Please explain your talent spec and why you've chosen it: Destruction 0/21/40 couse it owns in PvE
What is your current dps cycle? If this doesn't apply, what are your 5 most used spells?: Incinerate, CoE, immolate, sb, drain life
Please post a link to a recent WWS report: Never used that site before, can't seem to learn either
GuildsPrevious guilds: The blackwolf clan
Reason for leaving your previous guild(s)?: The raid times sucked hardcore, started 22:00 and ended 03:00 !
Have you ever been kicked from a guild? If yes, why? Haven't
Do you know any player from <In Excelsis>?: Nope, i don't
Why do you want to join <In Excelsis>?: Couse you guys seems to be a bunch of nice guys which raid hardcore, and that i want. And you progress nicely
What do you have to offer to <In Excelsis>?: DPS DPS DPS, Seriously a nice laugh after raids and before, and friendship
ExperiencePre TBC experience with your current class: Nothing, only some pvp,
Pre TBC experience with another class (state which): Havent had any other pre-tbc
TBC experience:
-Karazhan: Cleared
-Gruul’s Lair: Cleared
-Magtheridon: Cleared
-Serpentshrine Cavern: Lurker and leotheras.
-Tempest Keep: VR
-Mount Hyjal: Anetheron & Rage
-Black Temple: None
-Sunwell Plateau: None
-Outdoor bosses: Doom lord kazzak.
PvP ExperienceMaximum ratings ever reached with any class:
2v2: 1816
3v3: --
5v5: --
Ventrilo Can you use it? I use it as a habit
Do you have a microphone for speaking? Yes, a headset named " Fatal1ty "
Are you willing to use a microphone for speaking (If you do not have one, leave this in blank)?: Yes i will.
Guild RulesHave you read and understood the Guild Rules?:
Your computerPlease explain us in detail any important information regarding your computer (RAM, Processor, VGA and so on): AMD Athlon 6000+, 1gb ram, Nvidia 8600GT 512MB.
What is your average FPS in a detail heavy raid encounter?: 65~
Do you suffer from lag spikes oftenly?: Not really
Are you planning to change any component of your computer sometime soon?: Nope
State your current internet connection: 12MB
Is your internet connection stable?: Very
How many times per day do you suffer disconnects?: Zero mostly
Please insert a screenshot of your User Interface in a raid enviorment(Yes, AV does the deal):
Please insert a screenshot of your User Interface in a solo, in combat enviorment(optional)
Other InformationAnything else you'd like us to know?: I'm very much contactable on both of my characters, Paladin name : Komda, Warlock : Wicki !