IRL-name: Kristoffer Turesson
Country: Sweden
Amount of time played each day/week: about 2-8 h a day
Bedtimes/work hours: 07.00-16.00 (mon-fri) sleeping time about 24.00 have no problem at all raiding.
Character name: Neoturr
Class: Warlock
Armory link: (have several gears
Previous Guild(s):Animus (I played the GM part ) and insidius wich for some reason disbanded, me myself have no clue at all why and not very interested since i didnt have the chance to raid with them.
Reason to join: Have fun, meet new people and get somewhere with this character
Reason to leave previous guild(s): Animus died slowly with people migrating to other servers and stop playing. It was founded by friends and kept being friends a very long time. But when almost none IRL friend were left as said before the guild died.
Previous raid experience: With my priest: Gruul, SSC (Leotheras the blind, Hydross), Magtheridon, TK (Lootreaver and Al'ar)
And with this character i've been through Gruul, Magtheridon, 2 first bosses in Z'A and such.
What can you offer this guild: A pure dps class (fu hybrids:P) ready to kick some ass, and hopefully friendship comes along. My TIME is what i can give you and probably a few tactic perspectivs, i haven't got BT exp but i am a easy learner.
Shooting for the stars?