Nationality: SWedish
Name: Filip stangberg
Char name: Bogili
Age: 17
Class: Rogue
Played time on this char: have played since TBc realesed and played since that until today
Experience: have experience of all raids up 2 mount hyijal
kara: cleared
ZA: cleared
maghteridon: cleared
Gruul: cleared
SSC: 5/6 bosses
TK: 3/4 bosses
MH:2/5 bosses
Attendance:i i have some practice on mondays and wensdays in football, and i havnt any work
WIlling to use voice: yes I got both ventrillo(all versions) and a mic that works.
What I expect from the guild: hope its a mature and a funny guild who help all ppl if they need help.