Nationality: Danish
Name: Anders Jensen
Char name: Seijuro
Age: 24
Class: Rogue
Played time on this char: 165 days, played it since WoW release almost and got the HWL title.
also got some alts which I haven't included. Got a druid with 1.9k healing, but rather gimped geared over all except that if interrested in that also hehe :p
Arena Team ratings: Thought I'd post these considering you said you'd take that into consideration in the recruitment post.
2v2: 2.2k
3v3: 2.1k
5v5: 1.95k new team
Experience: I've only really gotten experience from Kara, Gruul and ZA in tbc, pre-tbc I've been apart of completing all instances, including the tac learning face, so I'm quite willing to wipe some to improve.
Attendance: I should be able to attend most if not all raids, I dont have anything specific that could hinder my attendance, except if there is some kind of IRL emergency or I gotta study for an exam(which I should be able to do without being unable to attend a raid)
WIlling to use voice: yes I got both ventrillo(all versions) and a mic that works.
What I expect from the guild: is a good raiding enviroment where everyone is focused and do their best to help the progress, And obviously a lot of fun doing so.