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 General Information - Raid Rules - Guild Rules

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Posts : 64
Join date : 2008-04-25
Age : 35

General Information - Raid Rules - Guild Rules Empty
PostSubject: General Information - Raid Rules - Guild Rules   General Information - Raid Rules - Guild Rules Icon_minitimeTue May 27, 2008 5:54 am

In Excelsis is a hardcore PvE guild with very skilled and dedicated players that want to progress fastly in order to clear the PvE content available as soon as possible. Since we want to progress fastly we aim to have a max of 35 members.
We raid 6 days/ week 5 hours/day(from 19:00 to 00:00), friday is a raid-free day.
We don't use a dkp system, because it slows down the progress , loot will be distributed by officers as they decide what is the best for the guild's progress.

For the progression thread, check the public general forums.

Failing to follow any of the rules leads to at least a warning, if not a guildkick.

Before you apply please ask yourself if you can follow all the rules stated above, if you can do it then ask yourself if you are an outstanding player , if you can play 8h/day.
Gear is not that important , but it helps , also experience or arena rating helps in order to prove us that you are what we are looking for.

Guild rules:

-You are expected to have high activity.

-You must have a working mic, and be able to use vent.

-You must be mature.

-You must know the tactics and come prepaired for every encounter which we are raiding that day (that means the best buffs possible) , buffs are not optional , you must be buffed at all times, unless officers decide different.

-You must be focused during the raid , vent or chat will not be spammed and only discussions will be regarding the raid only.

-You must do your best to improve your gear , you will not wait for the guild to gear you up , if you can get some gear from any other means than raiding , you should do it.

-You will not whine about loot.

-You will not raid with your alts unless it helps the raid or if its a raid with mostly alternative characters.

Raid rules:
-You will not go afk during a raid (There will be exceptions if it's really urgent)

-You will be on vent and you must be able to use a mic.

-You will be have best buffs/pots available to use the whole raid and you will be fully buffed all the time unless Officers decide its not needed. That includes flasks, oils, potions, elixirs, sharpening stones. Anything. You'll have to judge by yourself the combination which is more appropiate for your class. As an example: Druids wont take the Flask Of Migty restoration since druids don't really need mp5 and they'll use Elixir of Healing Power + Elixir Of Major Mageblood + Brilliant mana Oil ( since it has 2 less mp5 but 25 more healing ). Compare all the consumables available and decide. Consumable trading inside the raid will not be allowed. If you're lacking something, ask a guild member to lend you some before the raid or ask an officer if you can get something from the guild bank.

-You will bring enough consumables/pots in order to not run out during the raid.

-You will know the tactics of the encounters we are going to attempt during the incoming raid before the raid.

-You will be online atleast 15 minutes before invites start so officers can decide a good group setup for the incoming raid.

-During the raid you will be fully focused. That also includes not talking on ventrilo about stuff which has no relation with the raid.

-After each wipe you will release and run as soon as possible, we will not have breaks or downtimes unless we officers state so, we don't tolerate slacking.
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