Hi my name is Gahzi i'm an Swe playe and im 17 years old.
Here is the information about my character:
Name: Kloie
Race: Undead
Class: Mage
Specc: Arcane/fire (41/18/2)
Profession: Tail 230 Mining 235
Other info: I alaways come to raid really prepared with regents pots, food, flask and other sruffs. I am a really serious player and if it some tacct I don't now I can learn them fast.
Experience in tbc:
Karazhan cleared
Gruul-Maghteridon cleared
SSC/TK Lucker
MH first boss
BT none
I can play Monday- Thuseday 19,00-01,00 Friday-Sunday all the time
I can use ventrilo or TS
I wait you're answer, ty anyway
Regards: Kloie