Hi my name is Andrea i'm an italian ppl of wow,btw i have played all time with non ita ppl.
Here the information about my character:
Class:Hunter (BM)
Armory profile :
Profession: Skinner/Leatherworker
Other info: i come at raid full selfbuffed with potin,food,flask and other stuff.
I'm a serious player and i know all tactics.
Experience in tbc (with my old guild on Hakkar EU server, Dark Order):
-Karazan cleared
-grull+maghteridon cleared
-ssc/tk cleared
-MH the first 4 boss and 3 tryes at archimonde
-BT najentus and supremus
I can play from monday at 20:30 to 01:00 to friday.
I can use ventrilo or ts.
Wait you're answer, ty aniway.
Regard Tantalo